13 December 2009

... denied yet again

Entered these concepts for a "new balance contest"
put on by the good folks at shoes-up.com back in June,2009
... unfortunately I didn't even place ... so here are my
failed concepts for the 576 & 1700
"turquaDots" pack
"snap to grid" pack
"purple drink" pack
"press quality" pack
"pickled" pack
"mint chip" pack
"escape from alcatraz" pack

"selvedge denim" pack



Anthony said...

I like escape from alcatraz and snap to grind - they feel like they're for the same person, but one set is for the day-to-day and the other set is for when she's in the Matrix :)

SA®AP x SA®AP said...

...thanks, was hoping somebody would "get" snap to grid.